Emma at Seven Months


What a true joy Emma has been over the past seven months.   My mom reminds me often of what an excellent baby she truly is.   A few weeks ago a lady at church said she needed a new name GOGO!  She has turned into a quite active and wiggly little girl with an emerging personality.  

A few milestones:

* She wants to stand all the time!

* She is beginning to crawl and goes from sitting to the crawl position and back without any trouble.

* She hates having her face wiped,particularly her nose.  With a cold that is no fun!

* She loves to babble and babble.

* Her face lights up when she sees her brothers.  They love to make her laugh.  

* Her favorite toys are:  balls, wooden spoons, anything she can fit in her mouth. 

* She loves feeling the texture of things by scratching them!

* She is still happy in the car seat but even happier in the stroller.  She wants to see everything.  Some have called her a busybody.

* She loves her babysitter Sandy and waved goodbye to her for the first time. 

* Spent two days and nights without Mommy and didn’t seem to be bothered at all.

The only real problem with Miss Emma is that she seems to be growing up to quickly.   I am amazed by how quickly the last seven months have gone.  She is a wonderful blessing in our lives.