Tuesday, September 4th was a busy day for this soon to be Momma. I started the morning early by returning your brothers Adam and Luke to school. After that I went have fetal monitoring done which the doctors had me doing twice a week to check up on your development. They were concerned that you weren’t growing and that had me scared. I had to have two ultrasounds done at 37 and 38 weeks to compare your size. Then I had a doctors appointment to check to see if I was progressing. Dr. Reddy said I was dilated 2cms and that it could be a week or two or any day. Following that I ran a few errands before attending a counseling appointment with Charree Kashwer. By the time I left Bakersfield to drive home I was exhausted and not feeling very well. The contractions seemed to be more consistent and uncomfortable but I wasn’t sure if I was just tired and less tolerant or they were the real thing. I got home by 4:00, unloaded the car, and went straight to lie down.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t sleep and just became more and more agitated. Harley was working at Vons until 6:00 so I decided I better start timing the contractions. They were about 7 minutes apart and consistent! Yiks!!! When Harley arrived home at 6:30 they were about five minutes apart and we debated what to do. I didn’t want to drive to Bakersfield unless it was the real thing though. So we took a walk to the church and hospital and back home. Still no change. I got in the pool and swam around for a half hour. Still no change. I called my Mom and she came down and started timing the contractions. At 8:30 she agreed that we better head to Bakersfield. The ride to Bakersfield wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and we arrived at San Joaquin Hospital at 9:30.
The nurse who examined me informed me that I hadn’t progressed enough and that they probably wouldn’t admit me. Wrong thing to tell a pregnant woman!!! Luckily Dr. Cohen agreed to wait and monitor me for an hour and at 11:00 they admitted me. He said baby Emma would be born on the 5th of September.
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