Windows, Paint, Ward Dinner, and a Wedding


The last few weeks have been extremely busy.  Sometimes I wonder what I am thinking when I take upon so many projects.  I like to think I am SUPERWOMAN  but keep realizing I’m not. 

Pictured above are Apartment A (painted grey) and Apartment B (painted bluish green).   The house is a green color with glitter in the stucco.  Its just plain ugly.   When trying to make a decision in regards to one color to paint them all, this was my first pick. IMG_6170

The picture doesn’t really do it justice because it looks very orange.  Needless to say I was in tears but luckily the supplies hadn’t been purchased.    So I picked a much more conservative  light brown color and I am not pleased with the look of it either.  The difference being that the paint had been purchased and what’s done is done.   Unfortunately, the painter seems to be taking forever!!!

I have been cleaning, painting, throwing things away, cleaning, and throwing more and more away.   We have filled 2 roll off containers(huge grey trash container pictured above)  and the third one is well on its way.  

Last night, I was in charge of organizing a ward Thanksgiving dinner.  I have just recently been called as the Activities Chairperson and had just a few weeks to put on a dinner for 100-140 people with no budget.   Thanks to some generous ward members,who wish to remain anonymous, I obtained funding to pull off the event.  The stress I  experienced in organizing this was incredible.   I am not good at delegating but I didn’t have a choice.  I guess this will be a good learning opportunity for me.  I also learned last night that 90% of people will do what they committed to.    Being the pessimist that I am, I worried all week  about who I could count on to bring what they had signed up for and who I couldn’t.    In the end, the dinner had lower than average attendance, plenty of delicious  food, and lots of  yummy desserts.   I was very grateful to the Bernsteins, the Stingels, and Jacque Durk for all their help!  I couldn’t have done it without them.   Thanks to my mom and Christine Minor who baked lots and lots of their famous homemade rolls.  I also appreciate the youth organizations for helping with the set up and the beautiful fall decorations they made.  Lastly, thanks to the many wards member who contributed to the meal and those who were willing to stick around and help clean up.  

Today at the triplex----  Bo Hurley worked empting the two attics out.  Poor guy!   Hugh and Genaro got about half of the windows in.   I helped out for a few hours before leaving to be Kelly’s date for a wedding. 


Kelly’s good friend Randi Cossey married Randy Chappell today at the Nazarene Church in Lake Isabella.   It was a lovely ceremony followed by a reception at Paradise Cove.  Randi was a beautiful bride!  Kelly’s crazy friend Andi  Bolt entertained us with her comic personality.  IMG_6176

And the cake was amazing………tasted great and was gorgeous.

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Ooops….I almost forgot to mention that Friday morning, Kelly organized a group of women to go see New Moon.   Thanks Kelly for sharing your love of the Twilight Saga with all of us.   We love you.

Kelly’s joined the blogging world



Check out her new blog at

More Pictures…..not completely BEFORE


Views of the Kitchen in Apartment A


The Living Area in Apartment A


One of two bedrooms  in Apartment A


Laundry Room in Apartment A


I love before and after pictures of projects like this.  I wish I had taken more pictures before I started tearing things out of the apartments.   I was just too eager I guess.   I have torn out all the flooring and window treatments.  I continue to sweep pile after pile of dust from the floors.   Between some hired help and myself, we have loaded two roll-off containers with “junk” and roofing material.   A couple great  friends of mine from Paso Robles agreed to help me with the project.  They helped with a remodel of my parents kitchen this week and then came to roof the apartments.   I had previously hired a crew to removed what looked like 4 roofs, but in areas ended up being more like 6-7 with all the patchwork.   What a mess!

Hugh and Jinaro hard at work. Thanks~ 



The following are a few shots of the area in front of the garage and workshop.



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